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48D Kit DNA测序试剂盒RB4406/R400406

2021/1/27 0:29:35发布135次查看
rubicon rb4406/r400406 thruplex dna-seq 48d kit dna测序试剂盒红荣微再授权代理基因测序试剂盒
美国rubicon genomics---单细胞测序文库构建的领导品牌
1. 二代测序建库试剂(微量起始样品 50pg - 50ng)
2. 单细胞扩增和单细胞测序建库试剂(广泛应用于生殖领域,是该领域的金标准。)
3. 全rna扩增试剂 (微量起始样品,可以低至10个细胞的总rna)
rubicon genomics成立于2000年,总部位于美国密歇根州。该公司的核心竞争力产品包括酶学、核酸化学、样品的加工生产,该公司致力于创新、知识产权的发展和持续的产品开发。
rubicon genomics开发创新、高品质的、核酸文库的制备及配套产品,rb4406/r400406,能够对临床样本进行简单、快速可靠和高灵敏度的分析。
rubicon genomics,总部位于美国密歇根州,产品主要包括以下几类:
1. thruplex® plasma-seq kit
 2. thruplex® dna-seq kit
 3. picoplex® dna-seq kit
 4. picoplex® wga kit
 5. transplex® c-wta kit
【rubicon rb4523/r400523 thruplex dna-seq 6s (12 )kit dna测序试剂盒产品应用】
 1. 外显子组富集
 2. sureselect® 富集
 3. seqcap® ez 富集
 4. 福尔马林固定石蜡包埋dna测序
 5. 胚胎植入前遗传学筛查(pgs)/种植前遗传学诊断(pgd)
 6. dna测序
 7. rna测序
 8. 染色体免疫共沉淀测序
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 021-64091883 手机号:152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服qq: 316 808 6348
提供产品:华雅再生医学旗舰公司-红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司为中国再生医学和生物工程技术领域的组织器官再生研究、组织器官功能重建研究、干细胞技术研究、组织工程生物支架材料研究、器官移植医疗器械产品等再生医学产业链的相关客户提供:ips/es胚胎干细胞的种子细胞、心肌细胞、人源肝脏细胞、msc间充质干细胞、基底膜基质胶细胞支架、干细胞生长分化调控因子、干细胞药物研究的小分子抑制剂、调节剂、小分子化合物、功能胶原蛋白生物材料、3d细胞培养基质胶、器官模型3d打印技术材料、神经干细胞培养基、stem121抗体、bd科研p100、p800蛋白质组学采血管、bd血浆准备管ppt管、bd paxgene全血rna样本收集管、bd公司cpt/prp美容采血管、streck cell-free rna bct游离rna样本收集管、streck cell-free dna urine preserve游离dna尿液保存管、streck cell-free dna bct游离dna采血管、循环肿瘤细胞ctc及无创产前基因检测采血管、illumina高品质ngs文库制备试剂盒、thruplex ctdna测序试剂盒、全基因组测序、全外显子测序、靶向测序、chip-seq测序、cnv和染色体异倍性分析、rubicon genomics单细胞全基因组测序试剂盒、生物医学试剂耗材仪器等种类丰富的产品,以“focus on tissue and organ regeneration专注组织器官再生与功能重建”为己任,我们与客户携手为中国再生医学产业的发展而前行。
【rubicon genomics公司 基因测序试剂盒产品详情】
thruplex®dna-seq kit
illumina ngs
wgs, wes, 靶向测序, 染色体免疫共沉淀测序, 转录组测序
ffpe dna, gdna, cdna,
cell-free dna, chip dna, amplicons
50 pg – 50 ng
thruplex®-fd prep kit
illumina ngs
wgs, wes, 靶向测序,ctdna分析
cell-free dna isolated  from plasma
<1 ng – 30 ng
picoplex™ dna-seq kit
illumina ngs
eukaryotic cells
or gdna
<6 pg – 60pg
picoplex™ wga kit
eukaryotic cells
or gdna
<6 pg – 60 pg dna
transplex®c-wta kit
10 – 300 ng rna
rubicon rb4406/r400406 thruplex dna-seq 48d kit dna 基因测序试剂盒的综合介绍
thruplex® dna-seq kit
· 高灵敏度、高性能:以低至50 pg至50 ngdna为起始材料
· 完整的文库构建试剂:优化的检索引物和接头试剂、酶、缓冲液及无核酸酶水
· 快速简便的工作流程:单管或单孔3步操作,2小时,无需转移操作
· 兼容主流目标区域富集平台:agilent sureselect®, roche nimblegen® seqcap® ez   及 idt xgen® lockdown® probes 
■ 产品说明:
thruplex dna-seq kit 基于新的thruplex 技术,可以低至50 pg的dna起始构建dna文库,在提高灵敏度的同时可以构建多达96种检索引物文库。本试剂适用于多种样品来源的片段化dna样品,基因组dna或体液样品如游离dna,ffpe样品来源dna和cdna。thruplex dna-seq kit 整体流程可以在单管或单孔中进行,约2个小时即可完成,无需纯化或样品转移步骤。试剂盒提供12、48或96种illumina单端或双端检索引物,该系列引物保存在反应管中(6或12)或预分装密封于条形码标记的微孔板中。thruplex dna-seq kit 可以用于dna-seq,rna-seq,chip-seq,并且可以兼容主流平台实现强有力的目标区域富集。
图1. thruplex dna-seq kit单管操作流程。
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 021-64091883 手机号:152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服qq: 316 808 6348
提供产品:华雅再生医学旗舰公司-红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司为中国再生医学和生物工程技术领域的组织器官再生研究、组织器官功能重建研究、干细胞技术研究、组织工程生物支架材料研究、器官移植医疗器械产品等再生医学产业链的相关客户提供:ips/es胚胎干细胞的种子细胞、心肌细胞、人源肝脏细胞、msc间充质干细胞、基底膜基质胶细胞支架、干细胞生长分化调控因子、干细胞药物研究的小分子抑制剂、调节剂、小分子化合物、功能胶原蛋白生物材料、3d细胞培养基质胶、器官模型3d打印技术材料、神经干细胞培养基、stem121抗体、bd科研p100、p800蛋白质组学采血管、bd血浆准备管ppt管、bd paxgene全血rna样本收集管、bd公司cpt/prp美容采血管、streck cell-free rna bct游离rna样本收集管、streck cell-free dna urine preserve游离dna尿液保存管、streck cell-free dna bct游离dna采血管、循环肿瘤细胞ctc及无创产前基因检测采血管、illumina高品质ngs文库制备试剂盒、thruplex ctdna测序试剂盒、全基因组测序、全外显子测序、靶向测序、chip-seq测序、cnv和染色体异倍性分析、rubicon genomics单细胞全基因组测序试剂盒、生物医学试剂耗材仪器等种类丰富的产品,以“focus on tissue and organ regeneration专注组织器官再生与功能重建”为己任,我们与客户携手为中国再生医学产业的发展而前行。
图2. thruplex dna-seq kit技术概要。thruplex技术以片段化双链dna起始(0.05 ng至50 ng)只需3步反应,简单高效。
图3. thruplex dna-seq kit 优于其他ngs文库制备试剂。与其他试剂相比,thruplex dna-seq kit可以更少的起始dna,构建多样性更好(左图),重复更少(右图)的文库(25 m read pairs)。ngs文库分别采用图示对照gdna起始量,以相应的文库制备试剂制备,采用miseq v3 flow cell测序。 
*数据来源于takara bio inc.
图4. thruplex dna-seq kit 减少了gc偏差。以人类基因组相对覆盖度为gc含量(%)的函数(50 ng dna起始)。(左图)thruplex dna-seq kit 在整个范围内都有出色的覆盖。(右图)thruplex dna-seq kit (金色)与参试的其他试剂一样好或更好。请注意,在这些图中最理想的覆盖度应该为1。人类基因组中的gc含量分布以红色柱形图表示。
*数据来源于takara bio inc.
图5. thruplex dna-seq kit的起始量更低、范围更广。与其他试剂相比,thruplex dna-seq kit的起始量灵敏度是其他试剂的20倍,起始量范围从50 pg至50 ng,无需流程或接头浓度优化,并且包含检索引物和接头。
图6. thruplex dna-seq kit工作流程优势:2小时即可获得高质量ngs文库。thruplex dna-seq kit将双链dna制备成检索引物文库只需3步:末端修复,接头连接,及高保真文库扩增。 简化的工作流程,在单管或单孔中2个小时即可完成,避免样品损失及操作误差。
■ thruplex dna-seq kit产品组成
· template preparation buffer(red)
· template preparation enzyme(red)
· library synthesis buffer(yellow)
· library synthesis enzyme(yellow)
· library amplification buffer(green)
· library amplification enzyme(green)
· nuclease-free water(clear)
· indexing reagent(blue)or indexing plate
■ thruplex dna-seq kit保存  -20℃
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 021-64091883 手机号:152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服qq: 316 808 6348
提供产品:华雅再生医学旗舰公司-红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司为中国再生医学和生物工程技术领域的组织器官再生研究、组织器官功能重建研究、干细胞技术研究、组织工程生物支架材料研究、器官移植医疗器械产品等再生医学产业链的相关客户提供:ips/es胚胎干细胞的种子细胞、心肌细胞、人源肝脏细胞、msc间充质干细胞、基底膜基质胶细胞支架、干细胞生长分化调控因子、干细胞药物研究的小分子抑制剂、调节剂、小分子化合物、功能胶原蛋白生物材料、3d细胞培养基质胶、器官模型3d打印技术材料、神经干细胞培养基、stem121抗体、bd科研p100、p800蛋白质组学采血管、bd血浆准备管ppt管、bd paxgene全血rna样本收集管、bd公司cpt/prp美容采血管、streck cell-free rna bct游离rna样本收集管、streck cell-free dna urine preserve游离dna尿液保存管、streck cell-free dna bct游离dna采血管、循环肿瘤细胞ctc及无创产前基因检测采血管、illumina高品质ngs文库制备试剂盒、thruplex ctdna测序试剂盒、全基因组测序、全外显子测序、靶向测序、chip-seq测序、cnv和染色体异倍性分析、rubicon genomics单细胞全基因组测序试剂盒、生物医学试剂耗材仪器等种类丰富的产品,以“focus on tissue and organ regeneration专注组织器官再生与功能重建”为己任,我们与客户携手为中国再生医学产业的发展而前行。
2017年1月,rubicon genomics,inc.成为takara bio的一员,现在宝日医生物技术(北京)有限公司(takara bio北京分公司)开始在国内销售rubicon公司开发的下一代测序试剂。rubicon公司成立于2000年,公司总部位于美国密歇根州。rubicon公司开发的产品主要基于“thruplex®技术”和“picoplex®技术”,可以微量dna起始构建下一代测序文库。thruplex®技术”可从血浆中的微量游离dna构建高多样性文库,准确检测低丰度dna变异,用途广泛。“picoplex®技术”,可从单细胞等微量dna起始构建高重复再现性文库,用于拷贝数变异分析和染色体异倍性分析。rubicon产品丰富了takara基于smart®专利技术的下一代测序产品线,为科研工作者在基因组学、单细胞和临床应用研究等领域提供更多解决方案。代表产品之一为:rubicon genomics rb3050/r30050 picoplex® wga kit 单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒whole genome amplification from single cells。
takara公司日本总部是:“ips干细胞之父”诺贝尔奖获得者的故乡,具有全球最前沿的ips干细胞技术实力,takara公司旗下的cellartis子公司,拥有超过40人的研发团队,拥有超过15年的人干细胞研究经验,建立并储存大量的人ips和es细胞系。takara旗下的stem cells公司sc proven系列:凭借20多年干细胞技术经验研发,包括干细胞研究用培养基、抗体等耗材,具有庞大的客户群(美国、欧洲、日本)。
2017年takara宝生物日本总部又收购了:美国rubicon genomics单细胞测序文库构建的领导品牌,代表性产品之一为:rubicon genomics rb3050/r30050 picoplex® wga kit 单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒whole genome amplification from single cells,thruplex® plasma-seq kit,thruplex® dna-seq kit,picoplex® dna-seq kit,picoplex® wga kit, transplex® c-wta kit.
1. thruplex dna-seq kit可以使用什么样的样品和投入?
thruplex dna-seq试剂盒设计用于各种各样的dna样品,其量在50pg和50ng之间变化。为了确保实验提供高品质的数据,下表提供了一系列的依据(1)应用程序和(2)的源材料的人dna的推荐的输入量。您选择使用的实际数量可能与以下建议的不同。注意,随着输入dna的量减少,文库的多样性也可能降低
应用输入样品量(50 - 500 bp ds dna)推荐输入量
wgs,wes,snv,indels,snp,str gdna 10 - 50 ng
ffpe dna 100 ng
血浆dna 1 - 50 ng
cnv血浆,gdna或ffpe dna 50 pg - 100 ng *
chip-seq chip dna 50 pg - 50 ng *
rna-seq cdna 50 pg - 50 ng *
*科学出版物中引用少于50 pg的用途。
2. thruplex dna-seq kit是否与任何目标浓缩系统兼容?
是的,thruplex dna-seq的套件是与主要外显子组和靶向富集产品,包括安捷伦sureselect®,罗氏nimblegen®seqcap®ez和自定义面板兼容。 thruplex dna-seq kit目标富集方案和应用笔记可以在这里访问。
3. 我购买了一种thruplex dna-seq 48d试剂盒,一次使用4-5个样品。为什么我用完试剂?
thruplex dna-seq试剂盒的试剂包含足够的体积,以制备主混合物四次,随着时代的索引试剂应使用的号码一致(最多4个冷冻/解冻循环)。当访问套件超过四次时,我们不能保证有足够的试剂量可用。
4. thruplex dna-seq是否有足够的过量填充以在我的自动化设备上使用?
每个自动化平台都有自己的死体积和试剂要求;因此,thruplex dnas-seq kit中试剂的体积可能不能提供手动进行的预期反应数。
5. 剪切后,我需要对dna样本进行清理吗?
没有,只是继续到thruplex dna-seq的试剂盒使用手册中的模板制备步骤(第直喷),以维护您的总dna和图书馆的整体多样性。
6.  thruplex dna-seq kit可以使用什么样的dna样本?
7. rna可以与thruplex dna-seq kit一起使用吗?
是的,但是在使用thruplex dna-seq kit制备之前,需要将rna转化为双链cdna并将其片段化至适当的大小。
8. 血浆,尿液或其他生物流体可以直接与thruplex dna-seq kit一起使用吗?
thruplex dna-seq kit必须不超过10μl。
9. 我可以为单端和双端ngs测序准备样品吗?
是的,thruplex dna-seq kit与单端和双向序列测序兼容。最终扩增的文库将包含与illumina相容的索引序列。
10. thruplex dna-seq kit是否需要dna样本输入体积?
无细胞dna包含通知其原始组织的体内核小体足迹。 snyder等。
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 021-64091883 手机号:152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服qq: 316 808 6348
提供产品:华雅再生医学旗舰公司-红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司为中国再生医学和生物工程技术领域的组织器官再生研究、组织器官功能重建研究、干细胞技术研究、组织工程生物支架材料研究、器官移植医疗器械产品等再生医学产业链的相关客户提供:ips/es胚胎干细胞的种子细胞、心肌细胞、人源肝脏细胞、msc间充质干细胞、基底膜基质胶细胞支架、干细胞生长分化调控因子、干细胞药物研究的小分子抑制剂、调节剂、小分子化合物、功能胶原蛋白生物材料、3d细胞培养基质胶、器官模型3d打印技术材料、神经干细胞培养基、stem121抗体、bd科研p100、p800蛋白质组学采血管、bd血浆准备管ppt管、bd paxgene全血rna样本收集管、bd公司cpt/prp美容采血管、streck cell-free rna bct游离rna样本收集管、streck cell-free dna urine preserve游离dna尿液保存管、streck cell-free dna bct游离dna采血管、循环肿瘤细胞ctc及无创产前基因检测采血管、illumina高品质ngs文库制备试剂盒、thruplex ctdna测序试剂盒、全基因组测序、全外显子测序、靶向测序、chip-seq测序、cnv和染色体异倍性分析、rubicon genomics单细胞全基因组测序试剂盒、生物医学试剂耗材仪器等种类丰富的产品,以“focus on tissue and organ regeneration专注组织器官再生与功能重建”为己任,我们与客户携手为中国再生医学产业的发展而前行。
thruplex® dna-seq kit builds on the innovative thruplex chemistry to generate dna libraries from as little as 50 pg of dna and increases sensitivity while providing up to 96 indexes for multiplexing. this kit can be used with fragmented dna from any sample source – genomic, biofluids such as cell-free dna, dna from ffpe materials and cdna. the entire thruplex dna-seq kit workflow is performed in a single tube or well in about 2 hours and requires no purification steps or sample transfers. kits contain 12, 48 or 96 single- or dual-read illumina-compatible indexes either in tubes (6 or 12) or pre-dispensed and sealed in barcoded microplates. thruplex dna-seq kit can be used in any dna-seq application, rna-seq, chip-seq and offers robust target enrichment performance with all of the leading platforms.
thruplex dna-seq kit is  protected by u.s. patents 7,803,550; 8,071,312; 8,399,199; 8,728,737 and corresponding foreign patents. additional patents are pending. for research use only.
rubicon rb4406/r400406 thruplex dna-seq 48d kit dna 基因测序试剂盒的优点优势
high performance from lowest input: 50 pg to 50 ng
complete package for creating libraries: optimized indexing and adaptor reagents, enzymes, buffers, and nuclease-free water
fast and simple workflow: 3 steps in a single tube or well in about 2 hours, no transfers necessary
compatible with major target enrichment platforms: agilent sureselect®, roche nimblegen® seqcap® ez, and idt xgen® lockdown® probes
rubicon thruplex dna-seq 48d kit dna 基因测序试剂盒产品规格
store at -20 °c.
guaranteed for 9 months at -20 °c in a constant temperature freezer.
ordering information
cat. no. r400406 thruplex dna-seq 48d kit (48 reactions, 48 dual indexes)
cat. no. r400407 thruplex dna-seq 96d kit (96 reactions, 96 dual indexes)
cat. no. r400427 thruplex dna-seq 48s kit (48 reactions, 48 single indexes)
cat. no. r400428 thruplex dna-seq 12s (48) kit (48 reactions, 12 single indexes)
cat. no. r400523 thruplex dna-seq 6s (12) kit (12 reactions, 6 single indexes)
thruplex dna-seq contains everything needed, including indexes in a barcoded 96-well plate.
红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司主营:干细胞、精准医疗、细胞治疗、器官再生 四大板块的产品,以“传递科学价值,服务科学研究”为宗旨,经过近两年的努力推广,红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司在全中国代理的cellartis干细胞产品已经成功销往:上海市、北京市、重庆市、天津市、广东省的广州市、深圳市、珠海市、江西省的南昌市、四川省的成都市、绵阳、浙江省的杭州市、宁波、温州、江苏省的南京市、苏州、无锡、泰州、湖南省的长沙、陕西省的西安市、杨凌、甘肃省的兰州、宁夏的银川、新疆的乌鲁木齐、广西省的南宁市、山东省的济南、青岛、东北三省 辽宁省的沈阳市、大连市、吉林省的长春市、黑龙江省的哈尔滨市等中国绝大部分省市和自治区。
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 021-64091883 手机号:152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服qq: 316 808 6348
rubicon thruplex dna-seq 48d kit dna 基因测序试剂盒产品信息
for a complete list of all publications, use our resource search.
thruplex dna-seq kit instruction manual
thruplex dna-seq product sheet
thruplex dna-seq dual index quick protocol
thruplex dna-seq dual index plate guide
thruplex dna-seq single index quick protocol
thruplex dna-seq single index plate guide
thruplex dna-seq index sequences 6s (csv)
thruplex dna-seq index sequences 12s (csv)
thruplex dna-seq index sequences 48s (csv)
thruplex dna-seq sds
thruplex dna-seq kit outperforms other ngs library prep kitsthruplex dna-seq kit yielded more perse libraries (left) with less input dna and generated fewer duplicates (right) at 25m read pairs than other kits. ngs libraries were prepared with the indicated amount of reference gdna using the library preparation kits indicated and sequenced on a miseq, v3 flow cell.
thruplex dna-seq kit single-tube workflowstarting with as little as 50 pg of fragmented double-stranded dna or cdna, thruplex dna-seq kit creates indexed libraries in 3 simple steps: end repair, adapter ligation, and high-fidelity library amplification. the streamlined workflow prevents sample loss and is performed in about 2 hours in a single tube or well preventing sample loss and enhancing positive sample identification.
thruplex dna-seq kit minimizes gc biasrelative coverage of the human genome as a function of %gc (50 ng input dna). (left) thruplex dna-seq kit has excellent coverage throughout the entire range. (right) thruplex dna-seq kit (gold) performs as well as or better than other kits tested. note that the optimal coverage should be equal to 1 in these graphs. gc composition distribution of the human genome is represented by the red bars.
thruplex dna-seq kit has a lower and broader input rangethruplex dna-seq kit has a lower and broader recommended input range than other kits. the sample input amount for thruplex dna-seq kit is 20 times more sensitive than other kits, ranging from 50 pg and 50 ng and requires no optimization of the protocol or adapter concentration. indexes and adapters are included with the kit.
thruplex dna-seq kit workflow advantage: high quality ngs libraries in about 2 hoursthruplex dna-seq kit converts double-stranded dna samples to indexed libraries in 3 simple steps: end repair, adapter ligation, and high-fidelity library amplification. the streamlined workflow prevents sample loss and handling errors and is performed in a single tube or well in less than 2 hours.
红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司主营:干细胞、精准医疗、细胞治疗、器官再生 四大板块的产品,以“传递科学价值,服务科学研究”为宗旨,经过近两年的努力推广,红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司在全中国代理的cellartis干细胞产品已经成功销往:上海市、北京市、重庆市、天津市、广东省的广州市、深圳市、珠海市、江西省的南昌市、四川省的成都市、绵阳、浙江省的杭州市、宁波、温州、江苏省的南京市、苏州、无锡、泰州、湖南省的长沙、陕西省的西安市、杨凌、甘肃省的兰州、宁夏的银川、新疆的乌鲁木齐、广西省的南宁市、山东省的济南、青岛、东北三省 辽宁省的沈阳市、大连市、吉林省的长春市、黑龙江省的哈尔滨市等中国绝大部分省市和自治区。
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 021-64091883 手机号:152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服qq: 316 808 6348
thruplex dna-seq kit technologythruplex technology is a 3-step reaction that starts with fragmented double-stranded dna (0.05 ng to 50 ng) which is repaired in a highly efficient process. background is reduced using double-stranded adaptors with no single-stranded tails. blunt end ligation occurs with high-efficiency. blocked 5’ends reduce adaptor-adaptor ligation. background is further reduced by destroying unused adaptors after ligation
click here to read all faq’s on thruplex dna-seq kit
1. what types of samples and inputs can be used with the thruplex dna-seq kit?
thruplex dna-seq kit is designed to work on a wide variety of dna samples with amounts varying between 50 pg and 50 ng. to ensure that your experiment delivers quality data, the table below provides a range of recommended input amounts of  human dna based on (1) your application and (2) the source material. the actual amount that you chose to use may vary from those suggested below. note that as the amount of input dna decreases, the persity of the library may also decrease
application input sample amount (50 – 500 bp ds dna) recommended input amount
wgs, wes, snv, indels, snp, str gdna 10 – 50 ng
ffpe dna 100 ng
plasma dna 1 – 50 ng
cnv plasma, gdna or ffpe dna 50 pg – 100 ng*
chip-seq chip dna 50 pg – 50 ng*
rna-seq cdna 50 pg – 50 ng*
*use of  less than 50 pg has been cited in scientific publications.
2. is thruplex dna-seq kit compatible with any target enrichment systems?
yes, thruplex dna-seq kit is compatible with the major exome and target enrichment products, including agilent sureselect®, roche nimblegen® seqcap® ez and custom panels. thruplex dna-seq kit target enrichment protocols and application notes can be accessed here.
3.  i purchased a thruplex dna-seq 48d kit and have been using it for 4-5 samples at a times. why am i running out of reagents?
thruplex dna-seq kit reagents contain enough volume to prepare master mixes four times, coincident with the number of times the indexing reagents should be used (up to 4 freeze/thaw cycles).  when accessing the kit more than the four times, we cannot guarantee that enough reagent volume will be available.
4.  does thruplex dna-seq have enough overfill to be used on my automation device?
each automation platform has its own dead volume and reagent requirements; hence the volume of reagents in thruplex dnas-seq kit may not provide the expected number of reactions that would be performed manually.
5.  do i need to perform cleanup on my dna sample(s) after shearing?
no, simply proceed to the template preparation step (section d.i.) in the thruplex dna-seq kit instruction manual in order to preserve your total dna and the overall persity of the library.
6.  what types of dna samples can be used with thruplex dna-seq kit?
fragmented, double-stranded dna, such as that from:
mechanically-sheared dna
enzymatically-fragmented dna
low molecular weight cell-free dna from plasma, urine, and other biofluids
double-stranded cdna
chromatin immunoprecipitated (chip) dna
sonicated dna from formalin-fixed material (ffpe)
7.  can rna be used with thruplex dna-seq kit?
yes, but rna needs to be converted into double-stranded cdna and fragmented to proper size prior to preparation with thruplex dna-seq kit.
8.  can plasma, urine, or other biofluids be directly used with thruplex dna-seq kit?
no, the template dna must be first extracted with a dna extraction/purification kit. since dna from these sources is normally degraded/fragmented, additional fragmentation is unnecessary. the volume of the sample used in the
thruplex dna-seq kit must be no more than 10 µl.
9.  can i prepare samples for both single- and paired-end ngs sequencing?
yes, thruplex dna-seq kit is compatible with both single- and paired-end sequencing. the final amplified libraries will contain illumina-compatible index sequences.
10.  is there a required dna sample input volume for thruplex dna-seq kit?
yes, the required dna sample volume is 10 µl.
cell-free dna comprises an in vivo nucleosome footprint that informs its tissues-of-origin. snyder et all.
红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司主营:干细胞、精准医疗、细胞治疗、器官再生 四大板块的产品,以“传递科学价值,服务科学研究”为宗旨,经过近两年的努力推广,红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司在全中国代理的cellartis干细胞产品已经成功销往:上海市、北京市、重庆市、天津市、广东省的广州市、深圳市、珠海市、江西省的南昌市、四川省的成都市、绵阳、浙江省的杭州市、宁波、温州、江苏省的南京市、苏州、无锡、泰州、湖南省的长沙、陕西省的西安市、杨凌、甘肃省的兰州、宁夏的银川、新疆的乌鲁木齐、广西省的南宁市、山东省的济南、青岛、东北三省 辽宁省的沈阳市、大连市、吉林省的长春市、黑龙江省的哈尔滨市等中国绝大部分省市和自治区。
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 021-64091883 手机号:152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服qq: 316 808 6348


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